Wednesday, October 27, 2010

CFN: Wrapping Up the Second Year

The Consortium Finance Network is nearing the end of its second year with over 480 members across the country.

We recently hosted our fifth in a series of webinars ("The CFA and the MBA"), continue to meet with students and alumni in finance, provide guidance to all wherever we can, and arrange connections among Consortium alumni and students. Discussion in our Linkedin group is lively and covers many topics. We update blog postings weekly.

As we wrap up 2010, we welcome feedback, ideas, and suggestions about where CFN can go from here. We encourage all to step up and support CFN in many ways. The Steering Committee meets often to assess ideas, plan and execute projects and contemplate where we go next.

We are considering forming an Advisory Board of experienced people in finance interested in CFN's objectives and interested in being continually involved. We welcome input on its formation.

We encourage all to contribute to the discussion in Linkedin. Tell us what's working and not working. Help lead projects, participate in Steering Committee meetings, or make meaningful suggestions. We'll all in this together.

In 2011, once again we hope to plan more webinars, networking events, and another first-year MBA guide. We hope to have a bigger presence at the Orientation Program and host a major alumni gathering (as we did in 2009 at the Federal Reserve).

We'll continue to pair students with experienced professionals and help them in any way possible (interview preparation, career coaching and strategies, etc.). And we want more input, involvement and enthusiasm from more members.

Within Linkedin or on the website, we encourage the exchange of ideas, experiences and viewpoints and the sharing of knowledge about any aspect of finance.

Share your ideas and feedback with us, and stay involved.

CFN Steering Committee
Tracy Williams
Rachel Delcau
Camilo Sandoval

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